Fresh Meat: Definitive Edition – why the cover?

The updated cover(2025).

To explain the thoughts behind the original release’s cover, I wrote:

“The moonlight shines through the desolate dark paths that lead to dark places in the middle of nowhere. In that darkness, true horror lies; whether our protagonists are fresh meat or not, the dark path represents more than the literal. This image symbolizes the metaphorical darkness they must endure and defeat without spoiling anything. Every person has a dark version of themselves constantly walking this moonlit path, waiting to be unleashed.”

For the Definitive Edition, I wanted to keep the original essence while improving it. Instead of symbolizing moonlight, I shaded the trees with a red hue, symbolizing blood. This served three purposes. One is that it gives the person picking up the book an instant connection with horror.

Two, this red hue will make the book stick out since red is also an attractive color that catches attention.

The dark color scheme presented here signifies a darker theme for the third and final purpose; it represents my own growth as an author and the darker direction the story will continue to take as Fresh Meat becomes its own series.

I changed the logo itself. No longer is a white cross acting like a T while simultaneously representing the church. The cross is now red, still representing the evil sect, but instead, I placed it as part of the logo’s background. Something that will continue as the series progresses.

When comparing the two, you’ll see how much better it is. The logo, like the cover, matured.

See the pictures below.

What do you think? Which do you like better? Feel free to comment below.

I can’t wait to share this updated version with you all!

A.L. Soto

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